Sirkuit Terpadu (IC)
514,862 products
- Antarmuka - Sensor, Sentuh Kapasitif(498)
- IC khusus(1,347)
- Regulator Tegangan PMIC - Tujuan Khusus(3,780)
- Regulator Tegangan PMIC - Pengatur Regulator Linie(205)
- Regulator Tegangan PMIC - Linear + Switching(1,287)
- Regulator Tegangan PMIC - Linear(41,210)
- Regulator Tegangan PMIC - DC DC Switching Regulato(18,013)
- Regulator Tegangan PMIC - DC DC Switching Controll(9,011)
- Referensi Tegangan PMIC(7,064)
- Konverter PMIC - V / F dan F / V(127)
- PMIC - Manajemen Termal(458)
- PMIC - Pengawas(29,403)
- PMIC - RMS ke DC Converters(120)
- PMIC - Power Supply Controllers, Monitor(1,369)
- PMIC - Power Over Ethernet (PoE) Controllers(644)
- PMIC - Manajemen Daya - Khusus(4,606)
- PMIC - Switch Distribusi Daya, Driver Load(5,923)
- PMIC - PFC (Koreksi Faktor Daya)(872)
- PMIC - OR Controller, Dioda Ideal(450)
- PMIC - Driver Motor, Pengendali(3,317)
- PMIC - Pencahayaan, Pengendali Ballast(414)
- Driver PMIC - LED(5,253)
- PMIC - Driver Laser(394)
- PMIC - Hot Swap Controllers(2,008)
- Driver PMIC - Gerbang(5,417)
- PMIC - Kendali, Driver Half-Bridge(935)
- PMIC - Pengukuran Energi(529)
- PMIC - Driver Tampilan(1,135)
- PMIC - Peraturan / Manajemen Saat Ini(1,209)
- PMIC - Manajemen Baterai(3,248)
- PMIC - Charger Baterai(2,531)
- PMIC - AC DC Converters, Switcher Offline(3,651)
- Memori - Pengontrol(149)
- Memori - Konfigurasi Prom untuk FPGAs(592)
- Memori - Baterai(13)
- Ingatan(44,864)
- Logika - Fungsi Universal Bus(597)
- Logika - Penerjemah, Pengukur Tingkat(2,258)
- Logika - Logika Khusus(1,386)
- Logika - Saklar Sinyal, Multiplexer, Decoder(5,847)
- Logika - Shift Register(1,553)
- Logika - Generator dan Pemeriksa Paritas(126)
- Logika - Multivibrator(515)
- Logika - kait(2,370)
- Logika - Gates dan Inverter - Multi Fungsi, Dapat (1,052)
- Logika - Gates dan Inverter(9,860)
- Logika - Flip Flops(4,809)
- Logika - Memori FIFO(3,365)
- Logika - Penghitung, Pembagi(1,929)
- Logika - Komparator(282)
- Logika - Buffer, Driver, Penerima, Transceiver(10,648)
- Pengolahan Linear - Video(2,178)
- Linear - komparator(3,721)
- Linear - Analog Multipliers, Dividers(110)
- Linear - Amplifier - Amps Video dan Modul(1,434)
- Linear - Amplifier - Tujuan Khusus(984)
- Linear - Amplifier - Instrumentasi, OP Amps, Buffe(25,208)
- Linear - Amplifier - Audio(3,635)
- Interface - Rekaman Suara dan Pemutaran(540)
- Interface - UARTs (Universal Asynchronous Receiver(1,057)
- Interface - Telecom(2,857)
- Interface - Specialized(3,935)
- Interface - Terminator Sinyal(245)
- Interface - Buffer Sinyal, Repeater, Splitters(1,081)
- Interface - Serializer, Deserializer(929)
- Antarmuka - Antarmuka Sensor dan Detektor(898)
- Interface - Modul(98)
- Interface - Modem - IC dan Modul(221)
- Interface - I / O Expander(948)
- Interface - Filter - Aktif(767)
- Antarmuka - Encoders, Decoders, Converters(430)
- Interface - Driver, Penerima, Transceiver(14,376)
- Interface - Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS)(91)
- Interface - Controller(2,174)
- Interface - CODECs(1,242)
- Interface - Analog Switches, Multiplexer, Demultip(8,591)
- Interface - Analog Switches - Tujuan Khusus(1,870)
- Tertanam - Sistem Pada Chip (SoC)(2,148)
- Embedded - PLDs (Programmable Logic Device)(314)
- Tertanam - Mikroprosesor(6,047)
- Tertanam - Mikrokontroler - Aplikasi Spesifik(1,370)
- Tertanam - Microcontrollers(66,332)
- Tertanam - Mikrokontroler, Mikroprosesor, Modul FP(894)
- Embedded - FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array) d(69)
- Embedded - FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array)(21,894)
- Embedded - DSP (Prosesor Sinyal Digital)(2,543)
- Embedded - CPLDs (Perangkat Logika Programmable ya(4,279)
- Akuisisi Data - Kontroler Layar Sentuh(510)
- Akuisisi Data - Digital ke Analog Converters (DAC)(9,964)
- Akuisisi Data - Potensiometer Digital(5,236)
- Akuisisi Data - Analog ke Digital Converters (ADC)(13,179)
- Akuisisi Data - Analog Front End (AFE)(582)
- Akuisisi Data - ADCs / DAC - Tujuan Khusus(2,295)
- Jam / Waktu - Jam Waktu Nyata(2,018)
- Clock / Timing - Programmable Timer dan Oscillator(22,844)
- Jam / Waktu - Baterai IC(4)
- Jam / Waktu - Delay Lines(803)
- Clock / Timing - Clock Generator, PLLs, Frequency (12,165)
- Jam / Waktu - Jam Buffer, Driver(3,578)
- Jam / Waktu - Aplikasi Spesifik(6,500)
- Tujuan Khusus Audio(1,031)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Micrel / Microchip Technology

- ADI (Analog Devices, Inc.)

- IDT (Integrated Device Technology)

- Maxim Integrated

- AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor

- Cypress Semiconductor

- SII Semiconductor Corporation

- Intersil

- STMicroelectronics

- Energy Micro (Silicon Labs)

- Diodes Incorporated

RF / IF dan RFID
56,798 products
- RFID, RF Access, IC Pemantauan(1,019)
- Transponder RFID, Tag(547)
- Modul Pembaca RFID(203)
- Evaluasi RFID dan Kit Pengembangan, Dewan(236)
- Antena RFID(160)
- Aksesoris RFID(114)
- RFI dan EMI - Perisai dan Bahan Penyerap(3,226)
- RFI dan EMI - Kontak, Fingerstock dan Gaskets(3,550)
- Pemancar RF(541)
- Modul Transceiver RF(3,179)
- RF Transceiver ICs(2,624)
- RF Switches(1,066)
- RF Shields(11,569)
- Penerima RF(1,406)
- Unit Penerima RF Receiver, Transmitter, dan Transc(1,416)
- RF Power Dividers / Splitters(321)
- IC Kontrol Daya RF(50)
- Modulator RF(186)
- RF Mixer(975)
- RF Misc ICs dan Modul(1,533)
- RF Front End (LNA + PA)(234)
- Kit Evaluasi dan Pengembangan RF, Dewan(6,049)
- RF Directional Coupler(1,021)
- RF Diplexer(479)
- Detektor RF(288)
- Demodulator RF(182)
- Antena RF(5,884)
- Amplifier RF(3,471)
- Aksesoris RF(1,733)
- Balun(803)
- Attenuator(2,733)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Leader Tech Inc.

- ADI (Analog Devices, Inc.)

- Laird Technologies - Antennas

- Laird Technologies

- Energy Micro (Silicon Labs)

- 3M

- Digi International

- Micrel / Microchip Technology

- Bel

- Maxim Integrated

- Avago Technologies (Broadcom Limited)

Produk Semikonduktor Diskrit
165,373 products
- Transistor - Tujuan Khusus(160)
- Transistor - Programmable Unijunction(14)
- Transistor - JFET(655)
- Transistor - IGBT - Tunggal(3,204)
- Transistor - IGBT - Modul(2,336)
- Transistor - IGBT - Array(17)
- Transistor - FET, MOSFET - Tunggal(28,663)
- Transistor - FET, MOSFET - RF(3,014)
- Transistor - FET, MOSFET - Array(3,621)
- Transistor - Bipolar (BJT) - Single, Pre-Biased(3,166)
- Transistor - Bipolar (BJT) - Tunggal(13,283)
- Transistor - Bipolar (BJT) - RF(1,507)
- Transistor - Bipolar (BJT) - Array, Pre-Biased(1,509)
- Transistor - Bipolar (BJT) - Array(1,408)
- Thyristor - TRIACs(2,921)
- Thyristor - SCRs - Modul(2,672)
- Thyristor - SCRs(3,380)
- Thyristor - DIACs, SIDACs(281)
- Modul Power Driver(728)
- Dioda - Zener - Single(40,731)
- Dioda - Zener - Array(1,245)
- Dioda - Kapasitansi Variabel (Varicaps, Varactors)(578)
- Dioda - RF(1,305)
- Dioda - Rectifier - Single(32,717)
- Dioda - Rectifier - Array(11,328)
- Dioda - Bridge Rectifier(4,930)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Electro-Films (EFI) / Vishay

- AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor

- Microsemi

- International Rectifier (Infineon Technologies)

- TSC (Taiwan Semiconductor)

- Diodes Incorporated

- Nexperia

- STMicroelectronics

- IXYS Corporation

- LAPIS Semiconductor

- Micro Commercial Components (MCC)

280,979 products
- Kabel Tarik Switch(212)
- Toggle Switches(23,151)
- Tombol jempol(652)
- Saklar Taktil(5,130)
- Aksi Snap, Saklar Batas(20,933)
- Slide Switches(3,654)
- Tombol pemilih(5,954)
- Rotary Switches(13,189)
- Saklar Rocker(13,164)
- Tombol tekan tombol - Efek hall(123)
- Tombol tekan saklar(168,292)
- Switch Display Programmable(28)
- Tombol Navigasi, Joystick(421)
- Saklar Magnetik dan Reed(922)
- Tombol switch(515)
- Sakelar Keylock(2,041)
- DIP Switches(5,690)
- Komponen Switch yang Dapat Dikonfigurasi - Lensa(405)
- Komponen Switch yang Dapat Dikonfigurasi - Sumber (276)
- Komponen Switch yang Dapat Dikonfigurasi - Blok Ko(719)
- Komponen Switch yang Dapat Dikonfigurasi - Tubuh(4,026)
- Aksesoris - Caps(3,802)
- Aksesori - Boots, Seal(364)
- Aksesoris(7,316)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Schurter

- C&K

- NKK Switches

- Omron Automation & Safety

- Grayhill, Inc.

- Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions


- E-Switch

- APEM Inc.

- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity


Sensor, transduser
103,619 products
- Sentuh Sensor(27)
- Penerima Ultrasonik, Pemancar(1,510)
- Sensor Suhu - Thermostat - Solid State(853)
- Sensor Suhu - Thermostat - Mekanikal(4,187)
- Sensor Suhu - Termokopel, Probe Suhu(526)
- Sensor Suhu - RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector(247)
- Sensor Suhu - Termistor PTC(1,047)
- Sensor Suhu - Termistor NTC(5,595)
- Sensor Suhu - Output Analog dan Digital(2,392)
- Alat pengukur tegangan(422)
- Sensor khusus(823)
- Sel surya(122)
- Sensor goncangan(15)
- Antarmuka Sensor - Blok Junction(1,425)
- Kabel Sensor - Sidang(1,077)
- Kabel Sensor - Aksesori(625)
- Sensor Kedekatan / Hunian - Unit Selesai(246)
- Sensor Kedekatan(6,786)
- Tekanan Sensor, Transduser(29,533)
- Sensor Posisi - Angle, Linear Position Measuring(2,533)
- Sensor Optik - Output Reflektif - Logika(105)
- Sensor Optik - Reflektif - Output Analog(293)
- Sensor Optik - Fototransistor(688)
- Sensor Optik - Photointerrupters - Tipe Slot - Out(1,264)
- Sensor Optik - Photointerrupters - Tipe Slot - Out(1,156)
- Sensor Optik - Fotolistrik, Industri(9,892)
- Sensor Optik - Photodiodes(946)
- Optical Sensors - Photo Detectors - Remote Receive(1,337)
- Sensor Optik - Photo Detectors - Logic Output(131)
- Sensor Optik - Photo Detectors - Sel CdS(60)
- Sensor Optik - Pengukuran Jarak Jauh(100)
- Sensor Optik - Cahaya Ambient, IR, Sensor UV(634)
- Multifungsi(68)
- Sensor Gerak - Getaran(68)
- Motion Sensors - Tilt Switches(43)
- Sensor Gerak - Optik(430)
- Motion Sensors - Inclinometers(69)
- Sensor Gerak - IMU (Unit Pengukuran Inersia)(187)
- Sensor gerak - giroskop(143)
- Sensor Gerak - Accelerometer(1,200)
- Magnet - Sensor Cocok(37)
- Magnet - Multi Purpose(142)
- Sensor Magnetik - Saklar (Solid State)(2,590)
- Sensor Magnetik - Posisi, Kedekatan, Kecepatan (Mo(4,062)
- Sensor Magnetik - Linear, Kompas (IC)(845)
- Sensor Magnetik - Kompas, Bidang Magnetik (Modul)(39)
- Transduser LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Tran(18)
- Modul Transceiver IrDA(155)
- Sensor Gambar, Kamera(1,082)
- Kelembaban, Sensor Kelembaban(357)
- Sensor gas(311)
- Kekuatan sensor(109)
- Sensor Aliran(227)
- Float, Level Sensors(917)
- Encoders(6,944)
- Debu Sensor(25)
- Transduser saat ini(1,546)
- Sensor warna(84)
- Amplifier(678)
- Aksesoris(4,646)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- SSI Technologies, Inc.

- Omron Automation & Safety

- Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions

- Honeywell Microelectronics & Precision Sensors

- Panasonic

- Hamlin / Littelfuse

- Carlo Gavazzi

- Grayhill, Inc.

- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity

- Electro-Films (EFI) / Vishay

- Advanced Sensors / Amphenol

36,282 products

Power Supplies - Board Mount
247,374 products

Konektor, Interkoneksi
2,232,966 products
- Konektor USB, DVI, HDMI - Adaptor(289)
- Konektor USB, DVI, HDMI - Aksesori(157)
- Konektor USB, DVI, HDMI(2,220)
- Terminal - Konektor Kawat ke Papan(107)
- Terminal - Konektor Sambungan Kawat(2,388)
- Terminal - Konektor Pin Pin(175)
- Terminal - Konektor Turret(1,245)
- Terminal - Konektor Khusus(745)
- Terminal - Spade Connectors(2,528)
- Terminal - Solder Lug Connectors(46)
- Terminal - Screw Connectors(457)
- Terminal - Konektor Ring(6,597)
- Terminal - Konektor Rectangular(3,454)
- Terminal - Konektor Cepat, Konektor Putus Cepat(4,712)
- Terminal - PC Pin, Single Post Connectors(2,426)
- Terminal - PC Pin Receptacles, Socket Connectors(4,756)
- Terminal - Konektor Kawat Magnetik(804)
- Terminal - Konektor Pisau(43)
- Terminal - Perumahan, Boots(1,319)
- Terminal - Konektor Foil(34)
- Terminal - Barrel, Konektor Bullet(405)
- Terminal - Adaptor(83)
- Terminal - Aksesoris(43)
- Strip Terminal dan Papan Turret(506)
- Sistem Junction Junction(1,883)
- Terminal Blocks - Wire to Board(24,727)
- Blok Terminal - Khusus(1,427)
- Blok Terminal - Distribusi Daya(370)
- Blok Terminal - Panel Gunung(989)
- Terminal Blocks - Modul Antarmuka(1,032)
- Terminal Blocks - Header, Plugs dan Sockets(69,154)
- Terminal Blocks - Din Rail, Channel(4,290)
- Blok Terminal - Kontak(35)
- Terminal Blocks - Barrier Blocks(39,479)
- Terminal Blocks - Adapters(610)
- Terminal Blocks - Aksesoris - Kawat Ferrules(1,430)
- Blok Terminal - Aksesori - Strip Penanda(3,533)
- Terminal Blocks - Aksesoris - Pelompat(1,897)
- Blok Terminal - Aksesori(3,803)
- Konektor Pencahayaan Negara Padat - Kontak(155)
- Solid State Lighting Connectors - Aksesoris(132)
- Solid State Lighting Connectors(851)
- Soket untuk IC, Transistor - Adaptor(255)
- Soket untuk IC, Transistor - Aksesori(123)
- Sockets untuk IC, Transistor(21,077)
- Shunts, Pelompat(674)
- Konektor Rectangular - Spring Loaded(6,602)
- Konektor Rectangular - Perumahan(18,057)
- Konektor Rectangular - Header, Pin Khusus(5,454)
- Konektor Rectangular - Header, Wadah, Soket Wanita(211,931)
- Konektor Rectangular - Header, Pin Pria(436,369)
- Konektor Rectangular - Free Hanging, Panel Mount(16,444)
- Konektor Rectangular - Kontak(5,596)
- Konektor Rectangular - Papan di, Kawat Langsung ke(1,405)
- Konektor Rectangular - Adaptor(259)
- Konektor Rectangular - Aksesoris(4,358)
- Rectangular - Board to Board Connectors - Header, (3)
- Rectangular - Board to Board Connectors - Header, (38)
- Konektor Rectangular - Spacer Papan, Stackers (Pap(213,731)
- Konektor Rectangular - Array, Jenis Tepi, Mezzanin(27,671)
- Konektor Power Entry - Inlet, Outlet, Modul(8,104)
- Konektor Power Entry - Aksesori(493)
- Konektor Pluggable - Aksesori(626)
- Konektor Pluggable(3,488)
- Konektor Photovoltaic (Panel Surya) - Kontak(35)
- Konektor Fotovoltaik (Panel Surya) - Aksesori(55)
- Konektor Photovoltaic (Panel Surya)(311)
- Konektor Modular - Blok Kabel - Aksesori(36)
- Konektor Modular - Blok Kabel(56)
- Konektor Modular - Soket(947)
- Konektor Modular - Pasang Perumahan(68)
- Konektor Modular - Jacks With Magnetics(7,684)
- Konektor Modular - Jacks(12,019)
- Konektor Modular - Adaptor(515)
- Konektor Modular - Aksesori(672)
- Konektor Memori - Kartu PC - Adaptor(17)
- Konektor Memori - Soket Kartu PC(2,274)
- Konektor Memori - Soket Modul Inline(1,711)
- Konektor Memori - Aksesori(212)
- Konektor LGH(382)
- Keystone - Sisipan(893)
- Keystone - Faceplates, Frames(688)
- Keystone - Aksesori(209)
- Konektor Tugas Berat - Sisipan, Modul(2,786)
- Konektor Tugas Berat - Perumahan, Kerudung, Basis(10,005)
- Konektor Tugas Berat - Bingkai(367)
- Konektor Tugas Berat - Kontak(1,187)
- Konektor Tugas Berat - Sidang(365)
- Konektor Tugas Berat - Aksesori(2,870)
- Konektor Fiber Optic - Perumahan(433)
- Konektor Fiber Optic - Adapters(1,721)
- Konektor Fiber Optic - Aksesoris(424)
- Konektor Fiber Optic(1,613)
- Konektor FFC, FPC (Flat Fleksibel) - Perumahan(337)
- Konektor FFC, FPC (Flat Flexible) - Kontak(112)
- FFC, FPC (Flat Fleksibel) Konektor - Aksesori(35)
- Konektor FFC, FPC (Flat Fleksibel)(9,455)
- Konektor D-Sub, D-Shaped - Terminator(32)
- Konektor D-Sub, D-Shaped - Perumahan(3,470)
- Konektor D-Sub, D-Berbentuk - Kontak(1,561)
- Konektor D-Sub, D-Shaped - Backshells, Hoods(3,147)
- Konektor D-Sub, D-Shaped - Adaptor(636)
- Konektor D-Sub, D-Shaped - Aksesoris - Jackscrews(771)
- Konektor D-Sub, D-Shaped - Aksesoris(1,722)
- Konektor D-Sub(41,132)
- Konektor Berbentuk D - Centronics(2,870)
- Kontak, Spring Loaded dan Pressure(429)
- Kontak - Multi Purpose(1,955)
- Kontak - Leadframe(59)
- Konektor Coaxial (RF) - Terminator(489)
- Konektor Coaxial (RF) - Kontak(217)
- Konektor Coaxial (RF) - Adaptor(2,760)
- Konektor Coaxial (RF) - Aksesori(840)
- Konektor Coaxial (RF)(12,169)
- Konektor Edaran - Perumahan(200,821)
- Konektor Edaran - Kontak(2,208)
- Circular Connectors - Backshells dan Cable Clamps(9,249)
- Konektor Edaran - Adaptor(1,295)
- Konektor Edaran - Aksesori(6,209)
- Konektor Edaran(477,409)
- Konektor Tepi Kartu - Perumahan(260)
- Konektor Tepi Kartu - Konektor Edgeboard(176,944)
- Konektor Tepi Kartu - Kontak(163)
- Konektor Tepi Kartu - Adaptor(70)
- Card Edge Connectors - Aksesoris(166)
- Konektor Daya Tipe Blade - Perumahan(271)
- Konektor Daya Tipe Blade - Kontak(102)
- Konektor Daya Tipe Blade - Aksesori(155)
- Konektor Daya Tipe Blade(2,363)
- Antara Adaptor Seri(487)
- Barrel - Konektor Daya(558)
- Barrel - Konektor Audio(1,451)
- Barrel - Adaptor Audio(70)
- Barrel - Aksesoris(71)
- Konektor Pisang dan Tip - Jacks, Plugs(1,184)
- Konektor Pisang dan Tip - Pos Pengikat(164)
- Konektor Pisang dan Tip - Adaptor(63)
- Konektor Pisang dan Tipis - Aksesori(28)
- Konektor Backplane - Khusus(26,546)
- Konektor Backplane - Perumahan(1,556)
- Konektor Backplane - Hard Metrik, Standar(4,212)
- Konektor Backplane - DIN 41612(5,766)
- Konektor Backplane - Kontak(1,273)
- Konektor Backplane - Sisipan ARINC(94)
- Konektor Backplane - ARINC(982)
- Konektor Backplane - Aksesori(1,929)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Samtec, Inc.

- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity

- Amphenol Aerospace Operations

- Sullins Connector Solutions

- Cannon

- Amphenol Industrial

- Amphenol Commercial (Amphenol ICC)

- Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company

- Souriau Connection Technology

- Mill-Max

- Phoenix Contact

141,303 products
- Dioda Laser, Modul - Aksesoris(273)
- Xenon Lighting(35)
- Hamparan Layar Sentuh(388)
- Indikator Panel, Lampu Pilot(28,834)
- Optik - Sumber Cahaya Fosfor Jarak Jauh(269)
- Optik - Reflektor(526)
- Optik - Pipa Ringan(2,058)
- Optik - Lensa(3,275)
- LED - Spacer, Standoffs(2,649)
- LED - Penggantian Lampu(6,503)
- LED - Indikator Circuit Board, Array, Bar Ringan, (6,910)
- Produk Termal LED(559)
- LED Lighting Kit(25)
- Lampu LED - Putih(24,710)
- Pencahayaan LED - Warna(2,566)
- Pencahayaan LED - COB, Mesin, Modul(19,373)
- Indikasi LED - Diskrit(17,130)
- Dioda Laser, Modul(615)
- Lampu - Incandescents, Neons(1,277)
- Lampu - Cold Cathode Fluorescent (CCFL) & amp; UV(84)
- Inverter(288)
- Infrared, UV, Visible Emitters(2,226)
- Serat Optik - Pemancar - Sirkuit Drive Terintegras(3,878)
- Serat optik - pemancar - diskrit(248)
- Serat Optik - Modul Transceiver(2,113)
- Fiber Optics - Switch, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer(484)
- Serat Optik - Penerima(417)
- Serat Optik - Attenuator(285)
- Electroluminescent(88)
- Display, Monitor - Interface Controller(57)
- Modul Tampilan - Vacuum Fluorescent (VFD)(203)
- Modul Tampilan - LED Dot Matrix dan Cluster(769)
- Modul Tampilan - Karakter LED dan Numerik(3,832)
- Modul Display - LCD, OLED, Grafis(2,507)
- Modul Tampilan - LCD, Karakter OLED dan Numerik(1,496)
- Tampilan Bezels, Lensa(88)
- Alamat, Khusus(262)
- Aksesoris(4,003)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- VCC (Visual Communications Company)

- Dialight

- Avago Technologies (Broadcom Limited)

- OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, Inc.

- Bivar, Inc.

- Samsung Semiconductor

- Luminus Devices

- Lite-On, Inc.

- Everlight Electronics

- Lumex, Inc.


819,250 products

820,395 products
- Pemangkas, Kapasitor Variabel(2,039)
- Kapasitor Film Tipis(1,824)
- Kapasitor Tantalum(56,496)
- Tantalum - Kapasitor Polimer(7,229)
- Kapasitor Silicon(109)
- Kapasitor Niobium Oksida(274)
- Mica dan PTFE Kapasitor(9,015)
- Kapasitor Film(60,843)
- Electric Double Layer Capacitors (EDLC), Supercapa(1,236)
- Kapasitor keramik(571,596)
- Jaringan Kapasitor, Array(1,615)
- Kapasitor Elektrolit Aluminium(102,743)
- Aluminium - Kapasitor Polimer(5,129)
- Aksesoris(247)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Knowles Syfer

- Electro-Films (EFI) / Vishay


- AVX Corporation

- Nichicon

- Cornell Dubilier Electronics


- Murata Electronics

- Panasonic

- TDK Corporation

- Nippon Chemi-Con

Kristal, Oscillator, Resonator
443,199 products

12,683 products

104,951 products
- Kunci pas(1,839)
- Bungkus kawat(58)
- Wire Tie Guns and Accessories(127)
- Kawat penari telanjang dan aksesoris(744)
- Vises(38)
- Vacuums(22)
- Pinset(524)
- Alat Bertumpuk(62)
- Spiral Wrap, Expandle Sleeving(64)
- Alat Khusus(2,782)
- Socket, Socket Handles(3,334)
- Sockets - Sets(375)
- Sekrup dan Nut Drivers - Set(1,104)
- Screw and Nut Drivers - Bit, Blades and Handles(2,549)
- Screw and Nut Drivers(2,286)
- Punches(190)
- Punchdown, Blades(139)
- Tang(830)
- Peralatan Pelindung Diri (APD)(1,651)
- Pisau, Alat Pemotong(489)
- Penyisipan, Ekstraksi(3,143)
- Hex, Torx Keys(735)
- Heat Guns, Obor, Aksesoris(866)
- Palu(233)
- Senter(148)
- Serat Optik dan Aksesoris(764)
- Excavator, Hooks, Picks, Probe, Tuning Tools(141)
- Pemotong Kawat(1,037)
- Crimpers, Applicators, Presses - Accessories(46,648)
- Crimpers, Applicator, Presses(18,135)
- Crimpers - Crimp Heads, Die Sets(4,004)
- Bahan kimia, pembersih(194)
- Berbagai Alat Kits(431)
- Aksesoris(5,070)
- Abrasive(4,195)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity

- Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company

- Apex Tool Group

- 3M

- Wiha

- Klein Tools

- Astro Tool Corp.

- Hirose

- Greenlee Communications

- Phoenix Contact

- Weidmuller

Uji dan Pengukuran
13,662 products
- Peralatan - Set Kombinasi(64)
- Termometer(207)
- Ujilah Probe Test(262)
- Poin Uji(282)
- Uji Memimpin - Termokopel, Probe Temperatur(544)
- Uji Memimpin - Probe Oscilloscope(298)
- Test Leads - Kit, Assortments(192)
- Uji Memimpin - Jumper, Spesialisasi(737)
- Uji Memimpin - Antarmuka BNC(311)
- Test Leads - Banana, Meter Interface(1,971)
- Uji Klip - IC(179)
- Uji Klip - Grabbers, Hooks(425)
- Uji Klip - Buaya, Buaya, Tugas Berat(637)
- Peralatan - Variabel Transformers(740)
- Peralatan - Spectrum Analyzers(25)
- Peralatan - khusus(1,121)
- Perlengkapan - Perlengkapan Listrik (Test, Bench)(471)
- Peralatan - Osiloskop(192)
- Peralatan - Multimeter(318)
- Peralatan - Generator Fungsi(75)
- Peralatan - Penguji Lingkungan(1,227)
- Peralatan - Penguji Listrik, Probe Saat Ini(654)
- Aksesoris(2,730)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Fluke Electronics

- Cal Test Electronics

- Pomona Electronics


- Staco Energy Products Co.

- Mueller Electric Co.

- LeCroy (Teledyne LeCroy)

- E-Z-Hook

- B&K Precision

- TPI (Test Products International)

- Amprobe

Kaset, Perekat, Bahan
27,422 products

Kontrol Statis, ESD, Produk Kamar Bersih
5,643 products

Solder, Desoldering, Produk Rework
6,006 products
- Solder, Desoldering, Rework Tips, nozel(2,269)
- Solder, desoldering, stasiun pengerjaan ulang(177)
- Soldering Irons, Pinset, Menangani(254)
- Solder Stensil, Template(447)
- Spons Solder, Tip Cleaners(93)
- Pateri(1,144)
- Pemegang, Stand(51)
- Asap, asap ekstraksi(136)
- Flux, Flux Remover(93)
- Dispenser, Dispenser Tip(189)
- Desoldering Braid, Wick, Pompa(342)
- Aksesoris(811)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Apex Tool Group

- EasyBraid Co.

- Kester

- Chip Quik, Inc.

- Chemtronics

- American Hakko Products, Inc.

- Henkel/Loctite

- Master Appliance Corp.

- MG Chemicals

- Aven

- Techspray

Prototipe, Produk Pabrikasi
2,072 products

Power Supplies - Eksternal / Internal (Off-Board)
80,482 products

Potensiometer, Variabel Resistor
22,558 products

Peralatan Inspeksi Optik
850 products

Solusi Jaringan
8,892 products

Motor, Solenoida, Papan Driver / Modul
9,943 products

Kartu Memori, Modul
8,005 products

Pembuat / DIY, Pendidikan
2,048 products

Magnetik - Transformator, Komponen Induktor
4,838 products

Line Protection, Distribution, Backup
3,362 products

3,137 products

17,732 products

Kontrol Industri
38,542 products
- Keamanan Mesin - Gorden Ringan(4,734)
- Time Delay Relay(3,877)
- Menara Stackable Lighting dan Komponen(149)
- Khusus(452)
- Proteksi Relay & amp; Sistem(862)
- Pneumatik, Hidrolik(366)
- Panel Meter - Penghitung, Jam Meter(1,282)
- Panel Meter - Aksesoris(543)
- Panel Meter(1,139)
- Monitor - Current / Voltage Transducer(422)
- Monitor - Output Relai(792)
- Miscellaneous(6)
- Visi Mesin - Pencahayaan(371)
- Visi Mesin - Lensa(121)
- Visi Mesin - Kontrol / Pengolahan(255)
- Visi Mesin - Kamera / Sensor(461)
- Mesin Visi - Aksesoris(485)
- Pengendalian Pencahayaan - Aksesori(96)
- Kontrol pencahayaan(62)
- Peralatan Industri(9,970)
- Human Machine Interface (HMI) - Aksesoris(197)
- Human Machine Interface (HMI)(463)
- Controller - Programmable Logic (PLC)(717)
- Controller - Proses, Suhu(2,463)
- Controller - Modul PLC(1,734)
- Controller - Keselamatan Mesin(221)
- Controllers - Liquid, Level(448)
- Controller - Sidang Kabel(2,825)
- Controller - Aksesoris(1,127)
- Pemirsa Cam(16)
- Aksesoris(1,886)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Omron Automation & Safety

- Panasonic

- Phoenix Contact

- Weidmuller

- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity

- Crouzet

- Hamlin / Littelfuse

- Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company

- Red Lion Controls

- Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions

- Murata Power Solutions

Induktor, kumparan, tersedak
98,562 products

Hardware, Fasteners, Aksesoris
32,599 products
- Pengencang Reclosable(408)
- Engsel(142)
- Cincin - Bushing, Bahu(359)
- Mesin cuci(691)
- Struktural, Motion Hardware(861)
- Sekrup, Baut(1,121)
- Screw Grommet(318)
- Paku keling(843)
- Gila(298)
- Mounting kurung(52)
- Miscellaneous(726)
- Lockouts, Gembok(327)
- Label, Pelabelan(10,111)
- Kenop(1,970)
- Lubang sumbat(250)
- Busa(250)
- DIN Rail Channel(288)
- Komponen Insulator, Mount, Spacer(687)
- Klip, Gantungan, Hooks(234)
- Bumper, Kaki, Pads, Grips(727)
- Dewan Mendukung(1,942)
- Spacer Dewan, Standoffs(9,692)
- Aksesoris(302)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Panduit

- Essentra Components

- Bivar, Inc.

- Keystone Electronics Corp.

- 3M


- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity

- Davies Molding, LLC.

- Kilo International

- Aearo Technologies, LLC – a 3M company

- Harwin

23,693 products

Penggemar, Manajemen Termal
137,883 products
- Fans - Aksesoris - Kabel Kipas(204)
- Thermal - Thermoelectric, Peltier Modul(861)
- Thermal - termoelektrik, Peltier Assemblies(136)
- Thermal - Pads, Sheets(4,350)
- Thermal - Liquid Cooling(113)
- Thermal - Heat Sinks(111,988)
- Perekat Termal, Epoxies, Grease, Pastes(257)
- Thermal - Aksesoris(587)
- Fans - Penjaga Jari, Filter & amp; Lengan(751)
- Penggemar - Aksesoris(341)
- Penggemar DC(15,274)
- Penggemar AC(3,021)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Advanced Thermal Solutions, Inc.

- Sanyo Denki

- Orion Fans

- ebm-papst Inc.

- NMB Technologies Corp.

- Mechatronics

- Laird Technologies - Thermal Products

- Fan-S Division / Qualtek Electronics Corp.

- Sunon

- t-Global Technology

- Delta Electronics

Komputer Tertanam
2,119 products

Papan Pengembangan, Kit, Pemrogram
39,586 products
- Penghapus UV(6)
- Perangkat Lunak, Layanan(2,569)
- Adaptor Pemrograman, Sockets(1,678)
- Programmer, Emulator, dan Debuggers(1,003)
- Papan Evaluasi - Sensor(2,323)
- Papan Evaluasi - Op Amps(975)
- Papan Evaluasi - Regulator Tegangan Linear(673)
- Papan Evaluasi - Driver LED(1,100)
- Papan Evaluasi - Papan Ekspansi, Kartu Putri(2,452)
- Papan Evaluasi - Tertanam - MCU, DSP(3,777)
- Dewan Evaluasi - Tertanam - Logika Kompleks (FPGA,(554)
- Dewan Evaluasi - Digital untuk Analog Converters ((629)
- Papan Evaluasi - DC / DC & amp; SMP AC / DC (Off-L(5,144)
- Papan Evaluasi - Amplifier Audio(673)
- Papan Evaluasi - Analog to Digital Converters (ADC(1,971)
- Evaluasi dan Demonstrasi Papan dan Kit(11,311)
- Aksesoris(2,748)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- ADI (Analog Devices, Inc.)

- Micrel / Microchip Technology

- Maxim Integrated

- STMicroelectronics

- AMI Semiconductor / ON Semiconductor

- MikroElektronika

- Lattice Semiconductor

- Intersil

- Energy Micro (Silicon Labs)

- Cypress Semiconductor

- Xilinx

Komputer, Kantor - Komponen, Aksesori
5,144 products
- Printer, Pembuat Label(96)
- Monitor(61)
- Modem(294)
- Pembaca kartu memori(15)
- Magnetic Strip, Pembaca Kartu Pintar(74)
- Label, Pelabelan(2,512)
- KVM Switches (Keyboard Video Mouse) - Kabel(82)
- KVM Switch (Keyboard Video Mouse)(121)
- Keyboard(168)
- Hub, Switch(83)
- Filter Privasi, Pelindung Layar(109)
- Joystick Desktop, Produk Simulasi(19)
- Mouse Komputer, Trackballs(44)
- Kamera, Proyektor(16)
- Kurung(38)
- Adaptor, Konverter(277)
- Kartu Adaptor(221)
- Aksesoris(914)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Panduit

- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity

- Phoenix Contact

- Tripp Lite

- Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.

- HellermannTyton

- 3M

- Cherry Americas

- Microsemi

- Advantech

- B+B SmartWorx, Inc.

Perlindungan Sirkuit
170,407 products
- TVS - Varistors, MOVs(12,194)
- TVS - Thyristor(2,884)
- TVS - Teknologi Campuran(887)
- TVS - Dioda(62,434)
- Thermal Cutoffs (Thermal Fuses)(116)
- IC Penekanan Surge(402)
- PTC Resettable Fuses(3,935)
- Perlindungan Pencahayaan(171)
- Inrush Current Limiters (ICL)(966)
- Circuit Interrupter Circuit Ground (GFCI)(157)
- Gas Discharge Tube Arresters (GDT)(3,069)
- Sekring(21,119)
- Fuseholders(4,982)
- Listrik, sekering khusus(13,683)
- Lepaskan Switch Komponen(777)
- Pemutus sirkuit(40,595)
- Aksesoris(2,036)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Hamlin / Littelfuse

- Sensata Technologies, Airpax

- Microsemi

- Bussmann (Eaton)

- Electro-Films (EFI) / Vishay

- E-T-A

- TSC (Taiwan Semiconductor)

- Bourns, Inc.

- Schurter

- Altech Corporation

- Bel

Kabel, Kabel - Manajemen
49,987 products
- Saluran Kawat, Raceways - Aksesori - Penutup(432)
- Wire Ducts, Raceways - Aksesoris(2,410)
- Kawat Ducts, Raceways(1,885)
- Isian sambatan, proteksi(492)
- Spiral Wrap, Expandle Sleeving(2,047)
- Solder Sleeve(1,660)
- Menarik, Dukungan Grips(191)
- Selang Pelindung, Tabung Padat, Sleeving(1,997)
- Penanda(6,770)
- Label, Pelabelan(3,923)
- Panas Bungkus Kecilkan(7)
- Panas Menyusut Tabung(8,505)
- Panas mengecilkan kain(86)
- Heat Shrink Boots, Caps(5,375)
- Grounding Braid, Straps(276)
- Kabel Fiber Optic(161)
- Cold Shrink Tape, Tubing(85)
- Kabel Ties dan Cable Lacing(4,811)
- Cable Ties - Pemegang dan Pemasangan(959)
- Kabel Mendukung dan Pengencang(3,568)
- Kabel dan gagang kabel(1,502)
- Bushings, Grommet(1,018)
- Aksesoris(1,827)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity

- Panduit

- HellermannTyton

- Essentra Components

- 3M

- Phoenix Contact

- Techflex

- Alpha Wire

- Fan-S Division / Qualtek Electronics Corp.

- Weidmuller

- Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company

Kabel, kabel
54,306 products

Sidang kabel
189,461 products
- Kabel Video (DVI, HDMI)(1,084)
- Kabel USB(1,779)
- Sidang Kabel Khusus(782)
- Solid State Lighting Cables(283)
- Kabel Cerdas(72)
- Rectangular Cable Assemblies(58,467)
- Daya, Kabel Saluran, dan Kabel Ekstensi(1,542)
- Kabel Pluggable(3,223)
- Kabel Modular(15,357)
- Kabel LGH(533)
- Jumper Wires, Pre-Crimped Leads(22,998)
- Flat Flex, Ribbon Jumper Cables(17,007)
- Flat Flex Cables (FFC, FPC)(2,240)
- Kabel Firewire (IEEE 1394)(76)
- Kabel Fiber Optic(16,993)
- Kabel D-Sub(11,491)
- D-Berbentuk, Kabel Centronics(609)
- Kabel Coaxial (RF)(5,329)
- Sidang Kabel Edaran(26,981)
- Antara Kabel Adaptor Seri(1,644)
- Barrel - Kabel Daya(431)
- Barrel - Kabel Audio(540)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Samtec, Inc.

- Affinity Medical Technologies - a Molex company

- Belden

- Agastat Relays / TE Connectivity

- Cannon

- Lumberg Automation

- Hirose

- 3M

- Phoenix Contact

- ASSMANN WSW Components

- Angstrohm / Vishay

Kotak, Lampiran, Racks
26,528 products
- Latch, Kunci(227)
- Evaluasi, Papan Pengembangan Papan(251)
- Cams(66)
- Rak(1,915)
- Manajemen Panas Rack(467)
- Komponen Rack(2,307)
- Aksesoris Rack(1,515)
- Patchbay, Jack Panels(612)
- Patchbay, Aksesoris Panel Jack(125)
- Pegangan(514)
- Rak kartu(356)
- Aksesoris Rack Kartu(511)
- Panduan Kartu(738)
- Aksesoris Panduan Kartu(1,385)
- Kotak(11,249)
- Komponen kotak(2,710)
- Aksesoris Kotak(1,506)
- Backplanes(74)
- Produsen yang Direkomendasikan
- Hammond Manufacturing

- Bud Industries, Inc.

- Serpac Electronic Enclosures

- Weidmuller

- Wakefield-Vette

- Phoenix Contact

- Vector Electronics & Technology, Inc.

- Bopla Enclosures

- Altech Corporation

- Bivar, Inc.

- Hoffmann

Produk baterai
5,751 products

Produk Audio
5,827 products